Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Geek Street Cred?!

So I’m gonna open up a wound that certain people in our community refuse to ever let heal, this whole thing about fake geeks. It’s been blowing up my news feed for a good chunk of 20l2, and you know what? It’s stupid, Now there several factors that I’d like to point out; #1. 95 % of the accused parties are females, I call BS on that, most of the geeks I discuss things like comics and movies are female, and if they look a certain a way they’re singled out even more! I happen to know some very attractive, and very geeky females, who have taught me more about certain fandoms than I could have ever learned on my own! I for one have never met any of these supposed fake female girls, am I just missing something? Or perhaps some of these neckbeards and mouthbreathers are just intimidated that their little boys club is no longer exclusive to the socially awkward?
Which leads me to my second point; #2. It’s a hobby, it’s an interest, not a lifestyle! This is coming from someone who adores the label of geek, just because the social tables have turned, does not mean we are some sort of master race! We’re all just people, only difference is, we’re a little more obsessed than the average person. But I digress; some of us need to get it out of our heads that we’re better than everyone, simply because we know the difference between the scarves that Tom Baker wore during his run on Doctor Who. Ultimately it’s of little use, stop using to 1-up the lesser educated.
My last point is this, those of us who were geeks/nerds in the 90’s and even before that know very well the pain of being ostersized and isolated for liking things that might have then been considered outside of the societal norms, and now since Geek is Chic, we feel the need to do the same to all of these newcomers. But why, what does it truly gain us making them feel like trash? Nothing, that’s what! Do you feel vindicated mocking them, or maybe you forgot how much it hurt, crying yourself to sleep thinking that everyone hated you because you were a weirdo! If truly think yourself an intellectual and participate in this type of behavior, then congratulations, because you’re part of what’s wrong with humanity!
I’ve been geek since I was a little kid, I’ve seen the constants, and I’ve seen the variables, and I honestly don’t care who’s a real or fake geek, because being a geek makes me happy. So to those who would question me, I’ll say this, I ain’t new to this, I’m true to this!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

PAX East 2013 pass scam

I've it before and I'll say it again, some people are just shitheads and there's nothing you can do about it,  why do people have to go so far out of their way just turn a buck? Life is hard enough without all of these fucking scumbags impeding upon someone's simple pleasures like this! I am beyond disgusted, this saddens me and gives me absolutely no hope for humanity whatsoever.

Not again!

Really PETA?! You guys are so fucking stupid, and clearly you know nothing about video games, your Mario spoof proved that (along with Japanese culture! but I digress.) Get over yourselves! Nobody cares if you think Pokemon is an allegory for animal abuse, you guys are so fucking pretentious! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Women & Halloween Costumes

As both a lover of Halloween, and someone who for the most part respects women, I'd say this comic hits the nail on the fucking head! It's bad enough that women get shitted on in Hollywood, but costumes stores and companies seem to go out of their way to further objectify women. Not every female costume has to be a sexy version of something, there plenty of awesome female characters, that can have amazing costumes made of them without slutifying them! This why so many women make their own costumes, this is bullshit!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012